

Professor Love lectures at TIDES class


The essential link between Altman Scholars' Liberal Arts and Business degrees is the interdisciplinary “Altman Core,” which includes a common cohort experience every semester.


Altman Core Curriculum

The “Altman Core” includes: 

  • An Altman TIDES course (a part of the required freshmen seminar program);
  • Unique coursework, including courses on globalization and intercultural communication;
  • Altman-specific sections of required business courses; and
  • Integrative interdisciplinary seminars during senior year.


  Fall Semester Spring Semester Summer Semester

Altman TIDES

Management Communications

Intro to Globalization

Maximizing Globalized Learning

Financial Management


Organizational Behavior

Perspectives on Global Citizenship



Study Abroad

Study Abroad



Altman Senior Seminar:

Global Experiential Learning

Altman Senior Seminar:

Approaches to Global Dilemmas


Altman Core Learning Outcomes

Upon graduation, students in the Altman Program should be able to do the following:  

1.    Demonstrate an expansive worldview, cultural humility, cross-cultural awareness, and the ability to communicate and collaborate across lines of difference
2.    Develop tools to recognize and address structural inequities and be able to participate in ethical forms of community engagement in local, national, and global contexts
3.    Demonstrate broad knowledge of global affairs as well as specialized knowledge of region(s) of the world where they study abroad
4.    Develop a multi-faceted base of business knowledge that will allow for data analysis, decision making, and solution formulation within organizations 
5.    Utilize deep and nuanced knowledge gained in liberal arts curriculum to think critically about the role of business and other organizations in addressing real world problems.  
6.    Demonstrate a high level of proficiency in a non-English language and the ability to operate within that language in non-US quotidian, academic, and business settings
7.    Articulate professional/post-graduation goals and apply their academic knowledge and skills to future academic, civic, and/or professional endeavors