The Selective Enforcement of Government Regulation: Battleground States and the EPA

The Selective Enforcement of Government Regulation: Battleground States and the EPA

Join us for a lecture by Huseyin Gulen of Purdue University entitled "The Selective Enforcement of Government Regulation: Battleground States and the EPA." The presentation is authored by Huseyin Gulen and Brett W. Myers.

"The Electoral College creates incentives for politicians and regulators to direct policy favors to 'battleground' states, which represent the median voter in presidential elections. We determine whether regulators treat battleground states favorably by examining whether the EPA is less likely to find a regulated facility in violation of the Clean Water Act if it is in a battleground state. We find that violation rates for these facilities are significantly lower than those in non-battleground states. Identification is obtained by the analysis of the violation rates of similar facilities located along the border between battleground and non-battleground states."

Date: Friday, November 17

Time: 1pm

Location: Goldring/ Woldenberg II, Room 2111

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